3 unit of Cyclone7 at K9 Kia 3.8L
before slow response and less water at tail pipe
After faster response with powerful acceleration also
and full of water at tail pipe
Owner was field hockey player before and golf together
15? years ago.
That time also fix Cyclone2 but he don't notice good features.
Few days ago Sportage TDI 3 units of Cyclone7 and felt smooth.
Now fix it at K9
In usually 7.5 ~ 10km/L he said mileage in city and highway.
I guess its real poor record.
After fix Cyclone7 much better cause higher gear driving possible.
He'll also test it by direct car mileage tester....
That car just 2,500km almost new car 2 month..
[Licence] 123-27-73521 [President]
: Kim Sei Young
6F. Baekun Bd. 861-9 Anyang 2Dong Anyang-City Kyunggi-Do KOREA
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